This time of the year, it’s safe to say that deer are all over around St. Louis, Bridgeton, Oakville, and Chesterfield, Missouri. You would be surprised to hear precisely how many deer are really prancing about on the city streets. At Car Craft Auto Body in St. Louis, Missouri, we have seen firsthand just what a deer is capable of doing if it ends up on the business end of your car’s windshield. Should this happen to you, we hope you will consider taking your car to us so we can perform the auto body repair work on it.
Still, what we really want is for you never to get into an accident to start with. That’s why we have put together a list of tips for you to help you deal with deer on stressful St. Louis roads.
The very first thing to keep in mind is when you should be alert. The hours when you will want to be especially aware will be from sunset to midnight and an hour or two before sunrise until sunrise. That is when deer love to be out and about.
The next thing to keep in mind is where you have to be alert. Most people don’t pay close enough attention when we see those deer crossing signs on the side of the roadway. Those are there for a reason. Those are the locations where drivers are the most likely to encounter a deer in the street. Naturally, with that said and the last tip, you ought to be focusing on what’s going on at all hours of the day and on all roadways. I understand it’s just common sense, but it is really worth repeating. Even a fraction of a second could make a major difference with regards to a possible deer collision repair.
If you see a deer crossing over the road, watch out! Even when that deer safely makes it to the opposite side, slow down. Deer frequently travel together in a single-file line. Where there’s one, there is bound to be others in the area. When you slow down for the deer, use your car horn to scare away that deer and all of its friends which may be nearby.
Lastly and above all, always put on your seatbelt. This time of year, you’ll find men and women getting hurt every day in auto collisions with deer. Most of the people who get severely injured will be the ones who didn’t buckle up. We come across this over and over at Car Craft Auto Body. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor: buckle up.
Like I said, auto body collision repair in St. Louis, Missouri at this time of the year is oftentimes the result of a deer that found itself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Taking a couple of basic steps could mean the difference between a pleasing drive and a substantial auto body repair bill. Obviously, accidents still happen. If you end up needing auto body repair as a result of a deer collision, think about taking your car to Car Craft Auto Body in St. Louis, Missouri.